Monday, July 27, 2009

the fair

Kim and I took the kids for our annual trip to the fair last week. It was hot. And fun!

Yes, you can fit three car seats in the back of The Hemi

The ferris wheel started behind her... how scary! ; )

taking in all the sights

mmmm, a frozen banana complete with sprinkles


Megan Miller said...

Amelia, Jill so understands the terror.

Just finished putting the remains of one fine beer canned chicken in the fridge. The word "sprig" was heard more than necessary around here this evening. BTW, N8 did a little research and supposedly its the yeast and the malt that does the trick.

Brooke said...

So stinking cute of her afraid of the ferris wheel. It was good to chat yesterday, I so wish that our time in Spokane was going to line up again--what are the chances of that ever happening a second time??? We opened Caroline's birthday gift this morning--oh my word girl--SO cute. She commenced playing with it in the kitchen as soon as it was out of the pacakge. THank you!