Monday, June 28, 2010

the old ball game

We just remembered these pictures on our camera from the Angel's baseball game we went to when Uncle Drew was here. Although we did root, root, root for the home team, the Brewers (who are they, anyway?) ran a lot more guys across home plate than we did. A fun night though!

mmmm. hot dog.


nicole said...

baseball games are always fun.

Brooke said...

Ah, spoken like a girl without 3 sports crazed brothers ("who are they [Brewers] anyway?"). Haha. Milwaukee--home of the Brewers and many other brewers.

The Chatty Housewife said...

Great family shot! And the muching hotdog shot is great!

The Chatty Housewife said...

Um, extended family lol. My last comment sounds funny.

kdk said...

Very nice! Looks fun and happy and everyone's in the open air.

NaomiG said...

Looks fun! I love the lighting in ballgame pics! :-) Looks like summer.