Wednesday, December 12, 2012


I'm not ignoring this blog on purpose. Last time I tried to upload photos, it told me that I had reached my limit on photo storage. So, with everything else going on in life, I haven't figured it out yet. But then I just tried again, and these pictures worked! So maybe I don't have a problem. Who knows. In the mean time, here are a few photos taken this month:

Amelia and her friend made this sign for her door.
It translates: "No boys allowed in the room. Sorry! Only girls allowed."

Amelia's poster for "Camper of the Week" at school
(every week a different student gets to be the student of the week).

Just an FYI, the glasses "help me see" even though they don't have lenses.


Brooke said...

I got that message last week too! So, I ditched the pictures and went with a word only post and haven't even attempted blogging since then : ) Maybe I'll have to give it another go tomorrow. Amelia looks cute as can be with those glasses. Now, if you can only keep that sign on her door for the next 15 years, eh?

kdk said...

Tha glasses are great! J put a sign on his top bunk: "Nobody whose name starts with R is allowed."

Rose said...

Ha! I'm with Brooke on this one! If we can just keep this "no boys allowed" mentality going with these girls !;)

Anonymous said...

LITTLE BROTHER NOT ALLOWED...The camper of the week looks beautiful in her HOT PINK glasses! A Jane