Tuesday, March 2, 2010

the gigglers

These two little darlings were giggling away in their room tonight after we put them to bed. How do you go in there and tell an eight month old to stop laughing and go to sleep? This is only the beginning...

And we noticed that this fella has two teeth coming in, one on the bottom and one on the top.


The Chatty Housewife said...

Oh my goodness, those photos are to die for. I hope you have those framed on a wall somewhere!!!!!

NaomiG said...

Wow... those pics are adorable... the hair on that girl!! Good heavens!! Amazingly beautiful. :-)

nicole said...

beautiful. just wait, and i hate to tell you, but in a few years they will still be giglging and scrapping.

The Brooner's said...

So cute! Teeth, we are still waiting on those.

Unknown said...

Natalie, they are so precious. It's kind of sad to me that our kids are growing up. :( I want to freeze them and keep them like this forever!

kdk said...

I bet those would be great enlarged - really large.

Tia Langston said...

Made me smile. Thanks.

Grandma Janet said...

Fabulous photos of the cutest grandchildren ever!!

Aunt Jane said...

They are adorable, even when they are giggling when you want some rest! Makes me think of Janet and me!

Brooke said...

Giggling while teething! Of course you can't tell him to stop! : ) It's so wonderful to watch the friendship evolve. And I too love those pictures. Tell Amelia that I'd love an email from her anytime...as long as she has permission to sit in the computer chair first.

Anonymous said...

I keep coming back for a whole lot of sweetness! They are soooo cute!Aunt Jane