Monday, March 7, 2011

Cafe Duomo

We went to dinner in Catania last week, the kids enjoyed their pasta with olive oil while the adults appreciated the fine dining. : )

photo credit: Amelia (pronounced Ahh-maah-leeah in Italiano)

Thinking he is such a big boy drinking out of a fancy glass!

Her first taste of gelato. Strawberry, of course!

Wyatt was feeding me mine. Mmmm. Pistacchio.
(I actually uploaded the wrong picture, but I'm not going through that process again, so here ya have it).


N8 said...

I'm not going to recognize the kids when you get back. They are growing up in each pic.

Brooke said...

Ha! I hear ya on uploading the wrong photo and just going with it : ) Ahhhmelia looks like she fits in just perfect with her high fashion.

kdk said...

I like the similarity between Amelia's clothing and the architecture.